Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Do Onto Others, As You Would Have Them Do Onto You

    Theres a famous saying, "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you." Likewise, if someone was being attacked you should stand up for that poor individual because if you were the one in his shoes, you would want someone to intervene for you.
    Relating to the raping of Hassan, Amir is noted as a bystander. Not only did he portray the role of a bystander but he also became part of the bully himself. He supported the cast of evil when he told no one of what he saw in that alley, avoided Hassan like he had the plague and threw pomegranates at Hassan. Previously, Assef had been bothering Amir and threatening him; however, Hassan stood up for him. When the tables turned, Amir did not do the same back to his friend.
      These are two different instances of bullying which bring forth two different results. In the first episode when Amir was bullied, Hassan showed sympathy towards his friend and put their relationship before the consequences to see that he would be safe. Whereas when the situation flips, Amir is the bystander and watches his friend get raped in the ally for he wants to stay “neutral” because he fears what the consequences may be for him if he stands up for his friend of lower class. 
      As discussed in class the reasons why bystanders don’t intervene is because they fear of getting hurt, fear of becoming the new target, fear of making the situation worse or they don’t know what to do. These are simple excuses because no one deserves to be stripped of their humanity, especially when they stood up for you in a prior situation. Which relates to the Kitty and Winston Moseley situation when she yelled out in pain and no one came to her aid. It also said that when Amir looked at the face of Hassan he has the “look of the lamb.” Lamb in this case meaning gentleness, young innocence, meekness, purity and a mystic rebirth, for Hassan would never be the same after this experience because the Kite tournament was the last time Amir said he saw Hassan smile.

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