Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Symbolism of the Kites

                The kites is a central symbol in the novel as Amir and Hassan share this common interest in kite fighting and  participating in kite tournaments.  There are two main symbols of the kite. First it symbolises the difference between classes. Amir is naturally above Hassan in society because of his family’s name and wealth. Whereas, Hassan is Amir’s slave boy and works for his family.  In kite fighting there is the one person who controls and flies the actual kite and then there is the person that feeds the first person the string in order for them to fly the kite. Amir is the one who controls the kite and makes the decisions when flying the kite and Hassan assists him by feeding him more string. That alone demonstrates each of their standings in society because just like in kite fighting Hassan assists and serves Amir at home. He makes his food, does his laundry and cleans after Amir, while Amir is technically his master.  Hassan might love kite fighting just as much as Amir and he might help a great deal when it comes to taking down other kites but he will never claim the victory with Amir. Even when he runs to catch the rival kite after it has been cut and returns back with it, the kite initially belongs to Amir and its Amir who gets all the praise for it.
                The second symbol of the kite in this novel is violence. Kite fighting is a violent game where kites and the children battle each other to win. The strings cut into the fliers’ hands as they try to cut down other kites around them. Once they finally have cut down a rivals kite the runners run after it with the same furious determination to retrieve the kite. This creates a violent imagery of predators hunting for their prey. This violent game can represent the violence in Afghanistan or foreshadow it as it demonstrates the tension between groups of people and the determination to come out as the best.


  1. I never looked at the Kite being viewed as a model for class/caste. It is true however that with Kite Running, you need someone to pilot the kite and someone that feeds the string and that translates into a certain necessity Amir has for Hassan, even if he is viewed as a lesser.

  2. I just love to play the multiplayer fighting games i love kite fight game This game was amazing to play in online.
